SEN Support

SEN Support in Schools
The SEND Code of Practice says,
“Where a pupil is identified as having SEN, schools should take
action to remove barriers to learning and put effective special
educational provision in place” (6.44).
Every child with special educational needs should have
SEN Support. This means help that is additional to or different
from the support generally given to most other children of the same age.
The purpose of SEN Support is to help children and young people achieve the outcomes or learning objectives set for them. These outcomes and learning objectives should be developed and agreed by the school together with parents and, wherever possible, the pupil themselves.
SEN Support can take many forms, including:
• a special learning programme for your child
• specific learning interventions
• extra help from a teacher or a learning support assistant
• modifying learning materials and equipment
• working with your child in a small group
• observing your child in class or at break and keeping records
• helping your child to take part in the class activities
• making sure your child has understood things by encouraging them to ask questions and to try
something they find difficult
• helping other children work with your child, or play with them at break time
• supporting your child with physical or personal care, such as eating, getting around school safely, toileting or dressing
• advice and/or extra help from specialists such as specialist teachers, educational psychologists, and therapists
All SEN Support should be planned, focussed on clear outcomes and reviewed regularly with parents and the child.
Your child’s class teacher or subject teacher is responsible for the work that is done with your child, and for overseeing any teaching assistants or specialist staff working with them. The school SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) will work with individual teachers to co-ordinate the support for your child.
When a school, or other education provider, wants to call in specialists, they should discuss and agree this with parents.
A Graduated Approach
When your child is identified as having SEN, the school should use a graduated approach based on four steps: Assess; Plan; Do; and Review. This cycle of assessment, planning, intervention, and review ensures that strategies are effective and based on an up-to-date understanding of your child’s needs and progress.
If the school decides that your child needs SEN Support, it must tell you. The school should agree with you the outcomes sought for your child (i.e. what we are aiming to achieve), the help that will provided and a date for progress to be reviewed.
The school should review your child’s progress, to monitor the impact that SEN Support is having, on the date agreed in the SEN Support plan. You and your child should be involved in the review and in planning the next step.
If your child has not responded to the help they were given, the review should decide what can be done next. This may include more or different help.
The SEND Code of Practice says that schools should meet with parents at least three times a year (6.65).
Where can I find out more?
Every school must publish an SEN Information Report about the SEN provision the school makes. You can find this on the school’s website. You can also ask your child’s teacher or the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator for information on the SEN provision made by the school.
The Local Offer published by Achieving for Children (AfC) also sets out what support it expects early years settings, schools and colleges to make for all children and young people with SEN or disabilities. The document entitled “Collaborative Responsibilities” provides more information about expectations of SEN Support in RBWM.
You can find out about the funding for SEN Support in our factsheet “Funding for SEN Support”.
The IAS Service can provide:
information about SEN Support, including information about SEN funding
advice about what to do if you are not happy with the support your school is providing
information about other organisations, support groups and information services that could help
information and advice about your rights to request an EHC Needs Assessment.
"All children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they:
achieve their best, become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training "(6.1) SEND Code of Practice.